How To Avoid Fire in Your Home This Summer
How To Avoid Fire in Your Home This Summer
August 02,2023

How To Avoid Fire in Your Home This Summer

As the summer season brings higher temperatures and longer days, it is important to recognize the potential risks associated with home fires. While the sun may be scorching, the threat of a fire breaking out in our homes can be even hotter. However, with awareness and proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of this nightmare scenario. In this brief read brought to you by Tidal Wave Restoration, we explore some ways to safeguard homes and loved ones from the devastating effects of home fires during the summer.

How To Avoid Fire in Your Home This Summer

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Regularly Inspect and Maintain Electrical Appliances

One of the leading causes of home fires is electrical malfunctions, especially during the summer months when the cooling system and electrical appliances are used more frequently. Regularly inspect all electrical devices, cords, and outlets for signs of damage or wear. Replace any frayed cords immediately and avoid overloading power outlets. Using surge protectors can provide an extra layer of protection, particularly for valuabe electronic devices!

Be Mindful of Outdoor Cooking and Grilling

The allure of outdoor cooking and grilling during summer can quickly turn into a fire hazard if not handled with care. Position the grill away from flammable materials, such as dry vegetation or wooden structures. Always supervise the grill while in use, keeping children and pets at a safe distance. Remember to clean the grill and remove grease buildup regularly to prevent flare-ups.

Pro Tip: Do NOT pour water on burning oil! This can cause the flaming oil to erupt and create a bigger nightmare!

Carefully and Properly Store Flammable Materials

Household chemicals, oils, gasoline, propane, and other flammable materials should be stored in well-ventilated areas away from heat sources. Keep them in their original containers with tightly sealed lids and store them outside the living space, such as in a shed or a designated storage area. Handling and storing these materials with caution can significantly reduce the risk of accidental fires.

Install and Test Smoke Detectors and Fire Extinguishers

Smoke detectors throughout your home are crucial for early fire detection. Install them on each level of the house and inside or near bedrooms. Regularly test the batteries and replace them as needed. Additionally, keep at least one fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location, such as the kitchen. Learn how to use it properly and consider taking a fire extinguisher training course.

Create and Practice an Escape Plan

Having a well-thought-out escape plan is crucial in case of a home fire. Bring together all family members to practice as well as re-create the plan regularly. Identify at least two exit routes from each room and establish a designated meeting point outside the home. Practice the plan during the day, and at night, to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency.

Hire Fire and Water Damage Restoration Specialists

If your home fire was put out by sprinkles or the fire department, then water damage is another threat to address! Water can seep through cracks and damage the structural integrity of your building. For comprehensive water damage removal and water damage cleanup, hire the professional water damage restoration specialists at Tidal Wave Restoration. We are proud to serve the metro Atlanta area.